Magic Circles - Für die Freude, für den Frieden

                                                  Die 7 Weisen = 8  


                                              Kreise für den Frieden

Diese Tuschezeichnungen entstanden im Juli und August 2016 nach einer Vision die ich hatte.

Die Komposition hat eine enorme Ausstrahlung und kann dem Betrachter tiefen Frieden geben.

 The moon is most happy when it is full;

And the sun always looks like a perfectly minted gold coin;

That was just polished and placed in flight by God’s playful kiss;

And so many varieties of fruit hang plump and round;

From branches that seem like a sculptor’s hands;

I see the beautiful curve of a pregnant belly shaped by a soul within;

And earth itself, and the planets and the spheres:­

I have gotten the hint: There is something about circles the Beloved likes.

 HAFIZ – Sufi Master